We are pretty boring. I read all these fun, insightful blogs thinking of how exciting and glamorous everyone's lives are (seriously, does nobody else work these days?? kidding. kidding) and then think we are pretty boring (i guess thats the trap of blogs huh...oh well).
We pretty much sleep, wake up, work, watch our shows, and repeat the process. We have managed to sneak in some fun things here and there though, with some exciting things to look forward to.
.we celebrated our 1st anniversary! woohoo! it was on a sunday (boring city!) so we went to church. and now that we are in april i can't even remember what we did on saturday to celebrate (probably went out to eat somewhere yummy).
.we got a puppy (for christmas) and have loved (and hated) potty training and making her all ours. She is quite cute and we love her to pieces. Chris can often be found repeating "i love her. I really love her" on different occasions. should i be worried?? marley girl successfully nuggles in right between chris and i almost every night and is pretty content to be on our heels wherever we go. can't complain :]
.we moved from our little apartment into my parents old house and have been there for about a month now and will be moving (most likely back in with my parents...see i told you, we're glamourous) until we figure out what we are doing with our lives.
.i worked in real estate for a whopping three months and decided i mostly hated it (the office part, not the real estate part) and promptly quit with almost no back up plan. luckily things fell into place and i am now working as an instructional assistant to a 4th grade boy with asperger's who loves video games, batman, and snack time. I LOVE hanging out with him for 3 hours each day and hope that he loves it too. I also work at my uncles tax office. he hooked us up with a sweet tax return (hello dolla dolla bills!) and we are really tempted to buy hawaii plane tickets but go back and forth between being responsible (boring city!) and splurging on a fun trip.
.chris is moving up the ladder at olive garden and will hopefully be working towards management positions in the near future. also, he wants to move to kentucky for grad school. once a southern boy, always a southern boy. he receives compliments on the weekly, and our favorite one came in last night...
it's all good unknown guest, i think Chris is "damn good people" too
Other than that, we have enjoyed a super mild winter (woohoo!!), bought a new car, and are looking forward to a long weekend trip to DISNEYLAND!
I hope to update more and not always do "life updates" when i post.
Shout out to my best friend britt in spain, thanks for the reminder that i haven't posted since last year :] love ya!