Here is the overall view of the place. i had to step outside the front door to be able to show it all. nothing special...but its perfect for now!
Here is the kitchen. We are some of the lucky ones that actually get a stove AND oven AND a full fridge and freezer. normally you get a mini fridge, no freezer, no oven, and a hot plate.
Here is our "room" slash "couch". don't mind the was chris's from when he first came out here and has been in his family since he was little. its actually the perfect weight to not roast us since its still fairly warm here at night (and also we didn't want to invest money into nice bedding when we are leaving so soon)
Here is the bathroom. this is only part of it. i figured you could do without seeing the toilet :] its actually pretty large minus the shower. the shower is not large and i hate it. shaving my legs takes FOREVER!
And lastly, what would our home be without our gecko friend. Meet Gilbert (who i'm pretty sure is a female at this point). He/She eats all the ants, hides behind our stove most days and occasionally likes to scare me as i don't expect to see her and suddenly, there she is. i think she is very cute and don't mind having her here one bit.
I was going through my camera and found some pictures from our honeymoon. We went to San Francisco for a few days and stayed down on Fisherman's Wharf. It was SO fun. i LOVE San Francisco, and i'm glad Chris does too.
It was a little foggy/rainy the first day or so we were there and because we aren't super familiar with the area, we ended up at the SF Zoo, which turned out to be a really fun activity. Neither of us had been to the zoo in forever, so it was fun to go and see all the animals (even though it was kinda miserable outside AND we didn't get to see the lions!!)
The next day, we decided to take a drive down to Monterey (I wanted to do the aquarium there since its huge and really awesome but plans changed). Once we were there we decided that we wanted to keep on driving and do the famous "17 Mile Drive". If you are ever in the central california, Monterey, or Carmel surroundings... DO 17 Mile drive! its BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Plus you end up at Pebble Beach Golf Course, which i know chris had NO problem with.
one of the look out points. crazy how different ocean scenes can be. this is so different from all the beaches in Hawaii, but still so beautiful.
just one of the HUGE mansion homes that lines 17 Mile Drive. We were in awe the whole time. Some of these houses are AMAZING.
A quick shot of us at the "Lone Cypress", the famous tree that has been there for hundreds of years, and is actually the symbol for Pebble Beach Golf Course.
Next stop was Pebble Beach. I know i'm not golf's biggest fan, but this course truly is beautiful (it also costs 500 to play...uhhh keep dreaming babe!)
and of course, in true pebble beach fashion, they have a huge rolex clock. i'm sure this was pretty inexpensive. ha. right.
The famouse 18th hole. You can actually go down and watch people play on it and get up close and personal. its pretty awesome. I don't know why its so famous, i just know it is. i think because its hard?
Happy Boy :]
This pictuer has nothing to do with the rest of the post BUT how adorable is my baby sister?! she is a doll. i found this when going through pictures and it made my heart melt. Miss home so much!! only 1 month and 19 days until we are back on the mainland.... CRAZY!!!