Thursday, October 21, 2010


So a friend of mine asked how the whole proposal went down and was hoping that i had a blog post going through all the details. i'm just now getting around to it but here is how the proposal all went down... and a note...this is LONG. sorry. :] enjoy...

Chris and i had been looking at a specific ring for a while. We knew the company we were going to order it from and while we would continually pull up the ring to look at it and admire how pretty it was, we noticed that all engagement rings were on sale for 20% off for about a 2 week period. Now i'm not good at math, but i knew that 20% off of a purchase as big as an engagement ring meant a couple hundred dollars savings. YES PLEASE! so in these 2 weeks i probably nagged chris daily and hinted with small (or maybe not so small) reminders. "You have 6 more days to get the ring. 3 more. 2. you have to get it today" "if you don't buy it, its your own money your losing". you know. being really nice about all of it ha..haha. ha. I'm sure he was more than annoyed with me.

The deal with the ring ended last tuesday (a mere 3 days before we actually got engaged). So thinking that he had waited until the last minute to purchase the ring, i was in NO way suspecting that a proposal would be coming soon. Friday I had an appointment on the other side of the island and it kinda just turned into a long morning. Chris had classes that afternoon and i had work at 4:30. sidenote: Chris just got full time at work. So between full time student, full time work, and me working full time as well, our time together pretty much consists of an hour or so in the morning and an hour or two at night before we fall asleep at like 10.
All afternoon i had noticed chris talking about engagement things. like "what if your dad says no when i talk to him" " what if he hangs up on me", blah blah blah. I kept wondering why he was bringing it up so often but tried to not think anything of it. He had mentioned to me in a break between classes that we should go see a movie or something that night. go to dinner at Haleiwa Joes (which so happens to be where we had our first "date") and go see the facebook movie. I made a rule months ago that when we got engaged i had to look cute. meaning i could NOT be wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt. That day he had mentioned something about my outfit, again another clue.

Shortly after i dropped him off for his last block of classes, and as i was preparing to get ready for work, i got a text saying that I should call in sick to work. NOW this is where it gets tricky. i hate calling in sick. I always feel bad and like i'm unconvincing. I hadn't been feeling awesome that day, so calling in sick wouldn't be a total lie and he was being pretty persistant about me getting work off. SO i called my mom thinking maybe she knew something, anything. I told her that i wanted to get out of my obligations but i didn't know what i should do. I also told her that i had a feeling that a ring could be on my finger by the end of the night but that i didn't want to get my hopes up. she gave all the motherly advice that is necessary in moments like this (being responsible and stuff) but ultimately i went with chris. DUH.

SO 5:00 rolled around and as i walked to the car i noticed that he was dressed rather nicely. nice pair of jeans, nice button up shirt. nice casual. not the usual jeans and a t-shirt. The whole car ride i could kinda feel a semi tension between us and he was being really quiet (but he's always pretty serious when he drives so again i pushed it out of my mind). I text my friend kelsey and told her what was going on and she instantly said, its happening tonight, i want a picture of the ring when you have it. ha. i kept convincing myself it wasn't going to happen, because honestly, how sucky would it be to think that its coming and then get NOTHING.
North Shore was sooo pretty that night. It had just dumped a ton of rain moments before and the sun had decided to peak her head before sunset. There were TONS of people out on the water still. the waves were perfect and it was all so pretty.

Chris used to live in a houes right before haleiwa right on the beach. its a beautiful house and while i came to visit him in april i had the priviledge of staying there. As we were driving to dinner at haleiwa joes, chris quickly pulled off right in front of the house and said that he wanted to go take pictures down on the beach because it was so pretty and we looked good. haha, should have been my first clue.

As we got down the beach, we started taking pictures and chris started mentioning how sand was going to get all over our feet. i mentioned that there was a shower we could use to rinse our feet off and it wouldn't be a big deal. As i turned to take a picture of the sky, chris bent down to "fix his pants", or so i thought. As i turned i saw him down on one knee, ring in hand asking me to marry him. I think before i said yes i asked "is this for real" and then gave my answer. As he went to put the ring on my finger i was totally shaking. Obviously i was totally shocked and thinking when did he get the ring, talk to my dad, when did it get here etc etc.

We stayed on the beach a little longer and then headed to dinner because we were both starving. It was the perfect propsal. barefoot on the beach on the north shore of hawaii :]

and ps i LOOOOOVE my ring. and him. The wedding is set for January 15th, 2011 in Sacramento, California! can't wait


  1. Oh I love it! Congrats! I'm so so so excited for you guys. And welcome to the family Chris :)

  2. Hooray! I'm so glad you posted on this with all the details! I could totally see everything in my mind! Congrats a million times over!! I wish we could be there to celebrate with you!

  3. thanks ladies! annnd it was spaced differently when i posted. now its all jumbled. makes it look extra long. oh well :]
