Tuesday, October 26, 2010


maybe pretty pictures will get rid of the stress?

I decided to tell myself i wasn't really stressed out. I did a little assessment in my mind of all the things i have going on/need to focus on before i fell asleep and decided that telling myself i wasn't stressed was a big fat lie.
there is a lot going on over here in hawaii for things that are happening on the mainland. ahhh

current stressers consist of

-wedding stuff. i just wish i could be home to help with planning and not have to rely on emails of pictures and links to know what is going to be incorporated into my wedding. at the same time, i'm already going to be away from chris for a month in december until the wedding. i can't win with this situation.

-sub teaching. why do you suck and i haven't even subbed one class? i put in my sub packet information over a month ago and they had a miscommunication and told me i didn't need to have proof of a teaching credential and that my degree would be enough. lies. SO now, in order to sub i need to get my teaching certificate (which is fine, but i have to figure out what all is necessary for the application) and not being in idaho, or california where all my papers are, is quite stressful.

-work. i just don't love it. I work a lot of hours for little pay and i'm over it. not a fan of working at a gift shop as i did invest a lot of time and hard work into earning a college degree. its despressing. i should be thankful i have a job though. but still.

-chris graduating. i know this isn't really my thing BUT you better believe its my job to help him. which is fine, and i don't mind, there is just a lot to get done and do before december rolls around. so.much.to.do. our time together now consists of eating something and doing hw or falling asleep being we are both so wiped.


  1. ah, yes...Sorry, it doesn't get less stressful once you are married. You just save some time living in the same house:)

  2. Girl! This is why you need a honeymoon!! I'm not even kidding...it saved my sanity! It was best feeling to veg for an entire week! Just take it a day at a time...everything will turn out!
