Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Countdown is On...

I have four weeks left in vegas. FOUR. that is exactly 20 school days left and I am done. why does that feel like i have an eternity left? because it does. i feel like 4 weeks is FOREVER. and that its going to draaaaaag. because it already is.

today was one of those days that i was SOOOOO over being here in vegas. and teaching. i feel like student teaching as a whole has gone by pretty quickly. but at the same time i feel like i still have SO much left to do. which sounds silly because really i only have three more weeks where i'm the actual teacher. and this week is kinda a whacky one because they have state standardized testing so i can't really complain. but i

these past couple of weeks haven't been all bad though and i feel like my students have started to come around and actually like me as a teacher. don't get me wrong, i still have to lay into them somtimes, but as a whole, i think my students like me. and some of them even want me to stay and be there teacher for longer. which makes me smile, and then laugh because there is NO WAY that thats gonna happen. i'm peacing on this place as soon as possible.

My countdown is not only for school to be done, although that is at the top of the list. Here are some things i am currently counting down for
1. student teaching to be completely 100% done. that means i'm a real life college graduate. FINALLY.
2. my best friend britt coming out to vegas to help me move and drive home.
3. my best friend britt coming out to vegas to go to a JOHN MAYER concert. soooo excited. love me some john. seriously, i swoon.
4. getting my hair done. its depressing how bad my roots are and how my hair has absolutely NO shape at all right now. short hair and highlights here i come and i can.not.wait.
5. a very big, exciting, long awaited TRIP to see a special person. it might involve pretty sunsets and palm trees. just maybe. i wish this was coming sooner than later. but i hear patience pays off. i'm hoping.
6. finally being home with my family and those cute little babies we have there. can.not.wait. for this one either. love being home with the family.

March, i know you are a lucky month and everyone really likes you because you bring the luck of the irish and march madness, but this year do you mind going by reallllllly fast for me? thanks. i sincerely appreciate it :]

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