Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Cuz Baby You're a Firework..."

No this post does not have anything to do with Katy Perry, or disneyland, although i do wish it had everything to do with disneyland....

You see, Chris can't sleep when there is ANY light in the room, something i didn't know until just recently.

Instance #1
Sometimes i forget to turn of my computer and the antivirus (which talks to you...loudly) wakes me up. I quickly get out of bed to turn if off so it doesn't wake chris up too. The other night, i started this process and out of nowhere, with a slightly sassy voice i hear "WHAT are you doing? It's like a freaking fireworks display in here!!!! Turn it OFF!" uhh really babe....a fireworks display?

Instance #2
Living where we live, houses really are piled on top of each other. We can hear our next door neighbor blow his nose (not kidding). That said, when they turn on lights, it illuminates our entire studio as well. The night after the fireworks display comment, the neighbors turned on their bathroom light. It happened to shine in the window right by our bed (again as we were falling asleep, like i was almost completely out of it, something that rarely happens quickly). Chris, again very sassily (is that a word?!) says "Jess! shut the curtain (it was shut ps) its bright in here. what are you even doing?!?"

Does Chris remember this the next morning? No. Do i get scolded in the middle of the night and take blame for any and all light that enters our apartment. Yes.

In other news, I have been subbing a couple days a week still.

So far this week:

-got asked by multiple students if i was going to prom in a few weeks. PROM PEOPLE! really? do i really look like a student still? i don't think so either.

-had two students leave my classroom, without permission, go around the corner, and smoke weed. REALLY?! REALLY?! i was BUGGED. they denied it. i called security. they didn't get in trouble. SERIOUSLY?! (hey guys, i'm not stupid, i went to high school too. i know what it smells like and what people look like when they do it.) ahh, i was so frustrated i wanted to scream. why do kids do dumb things?!

-I've started running every other day. My goal is to run in a 5K (starting small) on memorial day. So far so good. Still don't love running, but can actually make myself do it now (except for today, i really don't want to go right now. motivation, where are you!!)

And here is a little treasure picture for you all. I had just got home from a run, cleaned the kitchen, and was sitting down to eat some apple slices (yes i'm three, yes apples are better sliced), when i saw our good friend Gilbert. I read online that gecko's have quite the sweet tooth and really love fruit (probably why he is constantly in our trashcan). So i bit off some little pieces of apple, and yes, yes i did feed them to our gecko...and he LOVED them. isn't he cute?! and pretty with all that bright coloring? i like him. and will probably continue to feed him.

One more thing. I love costco. Is it weird that i get excited to go to costco so we can eat at the snackbar? oh it is? crap...
:] Happy Wednesday.


  1. Hahah! I love all of this! Ugh, boys are silly.

    You are subbing? How fun! haha. I'm not surprised in the least about the kids and the weed. A friend of mine was doing his masters in Hawaii and he subbed on the side and said all the kids were stoned all the time. Its Hawaii life, bra. haha.

    Good job on the running, even though I think you are a crazy person for doing such a yucky activity!


    Gilbert is amazing! The Gecko I saw in Hawaii was eating jelly from those little plastic things you get at like Dennys and stuff. He was loving it. Maybe Gilbert would like that. Apples though, too funny!

    And lastly, I love your blog. Not only is it fun to read and entertaining as all heck, but it is another thing to distract me from studying, and isn't that was school is all about??!! haha Miss you!

  2. I'm in love with Gilbertina (I'm paying with more girly names).

    I'm thinking about subbing because I'm ready for a change of pace and I think it would be a good way to work while I'm studying and going back to school.

    Also, yay for running! I'm just slowly starting up again since the marathon.

    You need to buy an eye mask for Chris. Jeff and I both wear them because our bedroom light faces a meatpacking plan that operates 24/7 with bright lights!!!

  3. I have to say that I sleep talk fight with Tommy. The funny part is that he argues back and so do I (while I'm unconscious). I hate light as well which is why I invested in a sleep mask. A.mazing!

  4. First of all, I was dying laughing at the sassy husband comments in the middle of the night. That is SO Brayton. Not so much with the light thing, but he is mr. sassy if anything happens at night and wakes him up. When confronted in the morning, he has no idea what I'm talking about. Funny.

    Second, I only eat apples sliced AND I love Costco- mainly for the samples...
